You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of democracy, social justice and the equality of mankind in your own native soil. [Mohammed Ali Jinnah]

Friday, December 28, 2007

The unfortunate UNFORTUNATE state, What are we left with?

We live in an unfortunate UNFORTUNATE state, PAKISTAN, illfamed world over for its political history.

Assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, adds to it even more. Undoubtedly a popular leader, leading the only political party representing federation, boasting an ideology of National Unity with its country wide wings, is gone. Only time will tell in what shape her party comes out, but, for now, it's bogged down once again.

Whats left in our political scene is not promising. PML-Q yet another establishment backed version of Muslim League by yet another Military Dictator. It probably won't be able to outlive the military dictator like previous military backed versions of Gen. Ayub's & Gen. Zia's Muslim League, untill then it is the civil face of military establishment.

PML-N, weakened by the military, kept out of action for a horrendous decade, is the second biggest popular party. But is primarily viewed in other parts of country as the one representing PUNJAB. Recent response from its leadership has given people of other provinces especially SINDH a message that they are with them. But in general it is a Punjabi led Punjab based party.

PTI, under an ambitious leader doesn't has it's roots especially in rural areas. Largely viewed as one man show, It might be promising in the long run, but for now can't fill in any vacuum.

MQM largely contained to two cities, Karachi & Hyderabad, yet another traditionally military backed (except for short period of second term of Benazir) doesn't has a positive face in rest of the country.

Jamaat, JUI & other religious parties then again as always don't have a long term vision, they are as ever too much concerned about picking there shares of spoils, playing with illeterate public and black mailing them in the name of religion.

Then there is a list of ineffective parties whose name is hardly known across the country, they include nationalist, socialist or out casted factions of other parties. Most of them rarely had representation in the National Assembly. They can't play an effective role in national unity.

The only thing we are left with, as ever, is Military! After Tashkent, Simla, Dhaka, Kaargil & 3rd November, We know that they can only do one thing...............pave the way for Pakistan';s break-up, yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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